Membership benefits

What Does It Mean to Be a Member?
When you sign up for Nippers or get a family or individual membership, you gain access to more than just our Saturday afternoon programs. Wander around the clubhouse and get to know what's there. You can:
Earn life saving and other certifications. Learn first aid, become a patroller, train to crew or drive the rescue boat, get certified in food handling or the responsible service of alcohol, and more.
Celebrate holidays together. Join us for Australia Day cricket on the beach and a BBQ, come out for Anzac Day breakfast and more.
Have a drink upstairs. The club bar is open after Nippers for Saturday sundowners with discounted bar prices for current club members. Just walk in past the kiosk and look for the stairs at the back-left corner of the ground floor.
Join in social events. Ticketed parties and casual get-togethers are planned throughout the year, so you can get to know the other members better.
Use club equipment. During patrolling hours, you can come to the beach and grab a board (with adult supervision, unless you’re already an adult!)
BYO BBQ. On Nippers days, bring along items to cook and salads and enjoy the view while the sun sets over the beach. The clubhouse is open to all members every Saturday, unless there are private bookings or club fundraiser events (they'll be noted on the Team App calendar).
Practice yoga. Several weekly yoga classes are available at no cost to current club members. Come practice your happy babies and downward dogs while you take in the beautiful view. See Team App for the schedule.
Enjoy a Sunday paddle or ski session. During the summer season, adult members meet on Sunday mornings for a paddle or a ski session. Beginners are welcome to join and use club equipment.
Host a party. Current club members can enjoy heavily discounted rates to hire the club rooms. Learn more and reach out to the hall hire manager on our hall hire page.
And don't forget to pitch in! It's your club, and everyone is a volunteer. So help out where you can and consider becoming a board member, BBQ cook at Nippers, a working bee volunteer or a patroller—every contribution counts!